Prescribing medicines without knowing patient’s chronic illnesses, current medications, drug allergies
is risky. It may lead to enormous patient suffering in the form of iatrogenic health damage and monetary
burden, as in our country Pakistan; it is the patients who pay the costs. The main cause is un-awareness
of the concept of maintenance of patients’ medical records in out of hospitals healthcare providers. In
this article the effects of this continuing dangerous state is discussed and very basic way to maintain
medical record, pertinent to our socio-economic conditions is presented which can lead to safe
prescribing. It can lay ground for eventual quality record keeping in our country. These suggestions are
very basic, on “something is better than nothing” principle. They in no way are a substitute to quality
record keeping. The only aim is; safe prescriptions.
Jameel ur Rahman. (2017) Making Prescribing Safer in General Practice: Need for Medical Record Keeping in Pakistan, Journal of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Volume-16, Issue-1.
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