OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficiency of probing in partial nasolacrimal duct obstruction
(NLD) in adults.
STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study.
PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Department of Ophthalmology unit 1, Dow University of
Health Sciences, Civil Hospital Karachi from January 2006 to July 2011.
METHODOLOGY: This study includes 340 patients complaining of watering of the eye for more
than 6 months duration from partial NLD obstruction. Eye examination was done to exclude
other causes of watering. ENT opinion was taken to exclude nasal pathology. Risk and benefits
of probing were explained to all patients and their written consent was taken. Probing was done
in operation theatre under aseptic conditions in local anaesthesia. Probe was left in place for
02 minutes to allow dilatation of nasolacrimal duct. Post probing, patients were given topical
antibiotics for 1 week and were followed for a period of 06 months.
RESULTS: Out of 340 patients only 35(10.3%) patients became asymptomatic, rest of the patient
came back with epiphora within 02 months.
CONCLUSION: Probing of NLD in adults for partial obstrution gives symptomatic relief only in a
few cases and majority of patients need surgical intervention.
Shehla Dareshani, Tariq Saleem . (2013) To Determine the Efficiency of Probing in Partial Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction (NLD) in Adults , Journal of Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences, Volume-12, Issue-2.
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