Dr Farman Fathepuri (1926-2013) , a prominent research Scholar and Urdu Prose Writer is very well known in all over the world, as a researcher, critic ,linguist and a teacher of Urdu. He dovoted his life for the progress of Urdu language and literature. He was familiar with the importance of Urdu literature and did the Scholarly work for the promotion of Urdu language and left around sixty two books behind him. "Urdu Shuraa kay Tazkray aur Tazkra Nigari" is his resaech work on which the University of Karachi awarded him the degree of D.Litt. In this article an analytical study of this resarch work published in a book in 1998 is presented.

Mahar Muhammad Aijaz Sabir. (2019) Biographical memoirs (Tazkira) of Urdu poets and biographical memoir writing (Tazkira nigari)-A Study., Tahqiq - Research Journal Of Urdu Language & Literature, Volume-37, Issue-1.
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