The Holy Qur'ān is the ultimate Divine guidance. Muslim scholars of all the times tried to make easy to understand the meanings of the Qur'ān in, Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jan Sir hindi also played his academic role in this regard. This research paper, an attempt has been made to introduce a manuscript of a unique dictionary of Sindhi region named "Lughāt ul Quran". The research evaluates the methodology of the Sheikh critically and analytically in an objective manner. The distinction of this manuscript has been highlighted in a lucid manner. The language used by the sheikh is easily comprehensible and transmits the themes of the Qur'ān to its addressees cohesively. It is worth mentioning that meanings used by Sheikh for the understanding of the Qur'ān are effective, useful and of great importance for its readers.

Nasurullah Qureshi. (2020) Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Jan As-sirhindi And His Methodology In “Lughāt Ul Quran”(A Descriptive Analysis Of The Manuscript), The Scholar-Islamic Academic Research Journal, Volume-06, Issue-2.
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