This research aims to know the sources of knowledge among philosophers, different doctrines since the emergence of philosophy and what are the means of knowledge referred to by the Koran? The doctrines of the philosophers are varied, some of them say the senses are the source of knowledge, another team says the mind is the only source, and others say the senses with the mind are a good source of knowledge, from which consists of experience, which is the constant source of knowledge. The Qur'an has clearly indicated that the senses are the gate of knowledge in man, but the senses are a limited source. It must be a third source tells us about the truth of the unseen and death and life after death and creation. It is the sincere news (revelation). Relying on this scientific work to extrapolate the texts of philosophers who wrote in this aspect of the theory of knowledge, and also baptize the texts of the Koran in order to know the true sources mentioned in philosophy and in the Qura’an. Let us then know: Is the pure mind in his research consistent with the true religion?

Mohamed Suleman Alfares. (2020) An Analystical Study Of The Sources Of Knowledge Between Philosophy And The Qur'an, The Scholar-Islamic Academic Research Journal, Volume-06, Issue-2.
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