It has been much written and said about the status of women in Islam. This is the undeniable fact today that a society cannot move forward and grow up socially and scientifically without the vibrant role of the women. The most of the modern world prosperity is due to the extraordinary contribution of women. The western history is full of these contributing women. The case is not the different when we throw a glance at the history of Muslims. In fact, beginning from the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we see numerous women playing their role to prosper and reform the society. The wives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Syedena Khadija and Syedena Aysha could be the best examples in this regard. But, there were a number of women who played their role to reform the society. This role is not the same in both periods: Mecca and Madina, but Muslim women seem more active and vibrant in Madina period. Nowadays we observe so many misconceptions assumed by the so-called some intellectuals about the Muslim women and their permissible constructive role to reform and prosper the society. This article discusses the role of Muslim women in reform of the society from both periods; Mecca and Madina.

Abdul Samad Shaikh, Hafiz Abdul Rashid, Muhammad Imran. (2020) Muslim Women And Their Role In Reforming Society In The Prophet's Era (The Era Of Makkah And Madina) , The Scholar-Islamic Academic Research Journal, Volume-06, Issue-1.
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