There have been multiple translations of the Holy Qur’ān in recent times. The process of English translations began after the crusades. Then, Muslims came to the fore and translated the Qur’ān to refute the allegations of the west. Mirza Abul Fazl, Hairat Dhilawi and Ghulam Sarwar are few Muslim translators of the Holy Qur’ān. Later works of the translations were a mature effort by Muslim translators. Among them, one who belonged to the subcontinent was ‘AbdulMājid Daryābādī (1892-1977). He rendered the Holy Qur’ān in English with the title “The Holy Qur’ān” and later entitled it “Tafsir-ul-Qur’ān”. According to many researchers, he was the first scholar to contribute a commentary in English with comprehensive exegetical notes. This paper highlights a critical study of his translation and exegetical notes.

Aroosha Mushtaq, Muḥammad Sultan Shah. (2020) A Critical Study Of ‘Abdul Mājid Daryābādī’s Exegetical Notes On The Holy Qur’ān, The Scholar-Islamic Academic Research Journal, Volume-06, Issue-1.
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