The first goal of education in Islam is to nurture the abilities of man completely so that he becomes a good citizen. So that he lives his life according not only as part of society but according to modern times and trends. All this so that society gets betterment through him. To achieves this goal the Development of curriculum of educational institutes has a central role. This is because after the teacher and student the curriculum is the most important pillar of education. Adding to that no step in education is complete without it. Curriculum creation is systematic process where changing needs of society and the individual can be focused upon. Thus curriculum creation is an integral part of an educational system where the curriculum is designed by looking at the curriculum goals.

Abdul Hai Madni, Naseem Akhtar, Muhammad Asif Nadeem. (2020) Curriculum Of Islamic Institutes In Sub Continent(A Critical Analysis), The Scholar-Islamic Academic Research Journal, Volume-06, Issue-1.
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