The Shari’ah classifies punishments into Ḥudūd, Qiṣāṣand Ta’zīr which aim to protect life, lineage, reason, property and intellect in order to provide welfare and protection to the society. The Islamic system of punishments described different punishments on committing different crimes, i.e; murder, adultery, intoxicant, blasphemy, and robbery etc. The study concludes the power of court is limited but in Ta’zīr punishments the court has wider power. The punishments that are described in PPC are not similar to punishments mentioned in Qur’ān. The Federal Shari’ah court has supported punishment of amputation of hand against the crime of theft which is similar to the punishment of Qur’ān. add punishment of theft in Pakistan is not implemented because the . at least two Muslim adult males eye-witnesses and Tazkiyah Shuhood (truthful person and abstain from major sins) are very difficult to fulfill to the extent that Shariah demands. Therefore theft in Pakistan is punishable with Ta’zīr punishment
Dr. Muhammad Ikramullah, Dr. Sami ul Haq, Dr. Badshah Rehman. (2020) Punishment of Theft in Islam and Its Enforcement In Pakistan, Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies, Volume-5, Issue-1.
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