Internationally the focus on abolition of the death penalty has increased during the past few decades. However, 56 countries including Pakistan still hold the punishment as an integral part of their penal systems. Despite the fact, Pakistan uses the particular sentence to settle the fate of offenders in approximately 27 assorted crimes, it still remains unclear what precise reasons provide support to the institutional legitimacy of this penalty. This paper is to explore and share the standpoint of Pakistan as a Muslim retentionist state. Thus the research first expounds the Islamic perspective on the death penalty and later it elucidates how this perspective has been incorporated in the constitutional and legal regime of the state. The paper concludes that Pakistan should re-evaluate its position on retaining death penalty for those crimes which do not clash with the constitutional, religious and social limitations of the state.

Dr. Aisha Tariq. (2021) The Abolition Of Capital Punishment:An Analysis Of Religiously Inspired Crimes In Pakistan, Hamdard Islamicus, Volume-44, Issue-1.
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