The advent of personal connectivity, ubiquitous computing, and sensing capabilities in presentday smartphones makes them an appealing candidate for the evolving concept of Internet-ofThings (IoT). As IoT transforms human-to-human communication to autonomous device-todevice communication within a network, smartphones are conceived as its backbone. This paper proposes a Personal Tracking Model under the realm of IoT and utilizes smartphones as a key element. We articulate the feasibility of a Personal Asset Tracking scheme that can be realized under the umbrella of IoT using a smartphone and the tagged valuables. This is realized utilizing a hybrid Bluetooth/Wi-Fi-based communication topology with two employment concepts. At a lower level, a user solely uses the Bluetooth in his smartphone to track the lost or misplaced item which is tagged with a Bluetooth token. At a higher level, the object is tagged with a hybrid Bluetooth and Wi-Fi token. The Wi-Fi token provides an IoT connectivity which results in coarse localization information while the fine-grained tracking information can be achieved through Bluetooth tracking, as in the first case. We also present a technical overview and comparison of our proposed scheme with the existing tracking solution.

Dr. Salem Ahmad, Mamoon ur Rasheed, Syed Hassan Ali. (2021) Smart Phone based Personal Assets Tracking under Internet of Things, KASBIT Business Journal, Volume-14, Issue-1.
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