Religion is a nearly common institution in humanity. It is found in all societies past and present.
All the prehistoric societies have the influence of religions in their societies. Religion goes back
to commencement of the culture itself. There is no primeval society without religion. It is social
treatise that deals with familiarity and restraint. Religion is concerned with the shared beliefs and
practices of human being. Allah being creator of this universe delegates his authority to those
who owes it as a sacred trust in order to maintain peace and justice on this earth as per his
commandments. Islam is an ideology sanctioned by revealed law. It is a way of life universal,
humanitarian, eternal and egalitarian based on equality, fraternity, justice and liberty. Now, it is
the duty of the state as well as the people of Pakistan to resort to the golden rules of Islam as
enunciated by the Holy Quran and Muhammad (PBUH), in all fields of life. The key concern of
this research is to evaluate the legitimacy of Art. 2A in the constitution of Pakistan and how is it
practiced in Pakistan?
Dr. Naveed Ahmed, Ali Nawaz Khan, Dr. Bakht Munir. (2021) Legitimacy and Significance of Art. 2a in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1973, South Asian Studies, Volume-36, Issue-1.
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