The Poetry and autography of Hassan ibn Sabit (Companion of Holy
Prophet (PBUH)).
Hassan ibn Sabit (Ra) was close companion of Rasulullah (salla
lahu alayhi wa’ale hi wasallam). He was the first and most notable poet
who used his beautiful poetry to praise the Prophet (salla lahu alayhi
wa’ale hi wasallam).
Hazrat ibn Sabit (Ra) had won acclaim at the courts of the
Christian Arab Ghassanid kings in Syria and the Lakhmid kings of
Al-Hirah in Iraq. He settled in Medina, where he accepted Islam at about
the age of 60. Hazrat Ibn Sabit (Ra) became Islam's earliest poetic
defender. His writings in defense of Sayyidina Rasulullah (salla lahu
alayhi wa’ale hi wasallam) contain references to contemporary events
that have been useful in documenting the period. He was also Islam's
first religious poet, using many phrases from the Qur'an in his verses.
The work of Hassan Ibn Sabit (Ra) was instrumental in
spreading the message of Rasulullah (salla lahu alayhi wa’ale hi
wasallam), as the Arabs were great poets and this formed a large part of
the culture. The work and words of Hazrat Hassalayhi wa’ale hi wasallam).
Dr Abdul rehman Yousaf Khan , Dr Abdul Ghafoor Baloch. (2016) The poetry and autography of Hasan ibn Sabit (Companion of Holy Prophet (PBUH)), Karoonjhar Research Journal, Volume-15, Issue-1.
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