The current study explored issues and challenges faced by religious Teachers for using ICT in e-learning and teaching. The study was quantitative based on descriptive survey design. The questionnaire was constructed using five point Lickert Scale and data were collected from 150 Religious teachers currently teaching to the students in Madaris at District Vehari of Punjab, Pakistan. The data were analyzed on SPSS through descriptive analysis. The findings of the study revealed that religious teachers face various issues and challenges like non-availability of the computers and laptops, shortage of electricity, lack computer education, theoretical based course work, lack of interest from the senior teachers towards learning or using computers, insufficient time for ICT use. Besides, many female religious teachers who cannot operate computer, they have to do domestic duties and resultantly too, they cannot afford extra time for learning computers. The study concludes that without addressing these issues, inculcating the use of ICT is a complex phenomenon in Pakistanni Maddaris. Hence, the policy makers, stake holders and administrative staff should target these issues so that advantages of ICT in teaching of religious education may be provided to religious teachers in Pakistani Maddaris.

Mehmoodul Hassan, Asma Abdul Aziz. (2020) Investigating the use of Computer Technology for E-learning in Pakistani Maddaris: Case of Religious Teachers, International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning, Volume-05, Issue-1.
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