From an economic perspective, energy-output relationship studies have become increasingly popular in recent times, partly fuelled by a need to understand the effect of energy on
production outputs rather than overall GDP. This study dealt with disaggregated energy consumption and output of some major economic sectors in Thailand. ARDL Bound Testing approach
was employed to examine the co-integration relationship. The Granger causality test of the aforementioned ARDL framework was done to investigate the corresponding causality effect. Results
showed that, from year 1980 to 2010, productivity of most scrutinized industries was highly reliant
on crude oil and natural gas. However, coal usage in transportation and agricultural industries can
be reduced without affecting productivity. Few recommendations are given thereafter for Thailand
to better manage their imported and local energy sources.
Thurai Murugan Nathan, Venus Khim-Sen Liew, Wing-Keung Wong. (2016) Disaggregated Energy Consumption and Sectoral Outputs in Thailand: ARDL Bound Testing Approach, Journal of Management Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 1.
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