Genetic disorders are broadly classified as single gene, polygenic, and cytogenetic disorders. Thalassaemia and Downs syndrome are the commonest single gene and cytogenetic disorders respectively in Pakistan.The burden of disease due to genetic disorders is generally hidden under the very high mortality and morbidity due to infectious diseases.Since most of these disorders are not treatable or their treatment is very expensive, these lead to very high morbidity and mortality.The affected families have to bear the brunt of severe health and socio-economic burden.There is a consensus of opinion that the best way to tackle the genetic disorders is through prevention of the new births of affected children. 1 Prevention of genetic disorders involves carrier screening, prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling. 2 In this triad of prevention, obstetricians have a key role to play because they are the ones who first come across a woman who could be carrying an affected fetus. Therefore,an obstetrician must have the basic knowledge about the common genetic disorders and the way a woman can be helped if the risk is discovered

Suhaib Ahmed. (2019) Role of Obstetricians in Prevention of Genetic Disorders, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-09, Issue-1.
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