Objective: To see the association between the PAS and previous uterine surgeries, the morbidity and rate of hysterectomy associated with it. Methodology: It was a prospective observational study con ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of scar dehiscence in patients presenting with scar tenderness due to the previous one cesarean section. Methodology: It was a descriptive case series study carr ... Read More

Objective: To see the fetal and maternal outcome in all those pregnant patients with previous one cesarean, to determine the safe mode of delivery for them and to make future recommendations especial ... Read More

Methodology: It was a cross-sectional prospective observational study, conducted in Gynaecology unit II of Holy Family Hospital. over a period of six months i.e from 1st Jan 2016 till 30th June 2016. ... Read More

Objective: To find out sexual dimorphism in hip bones with respect to pubic and Ischial lengths and their index. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study was done at National Institute of Rehab ... Read More

Objective: To compare frequency of wound infection in skin staples versus sutures for skin closure in patients undergoing caesarean section. Methodology: The randomized control trial study was conduc ... Read More

Objective: To compare the efficiency of hydrostatic membrane sweeping verses cervical Foley’s ballooning alone in terms of mean bishop score and insertion delivery interval for induction of labor. Me ... Read More

Objective: To evaluate the incidence and consequences in a uterine rupture in one previous versus two previous caesarean section. Methodology: This study was a prospective descriptive study carried o ... Read More

Objectives: To observe frequency and outcome of trial of labour after one caesarean section. Methodology: This retrospective analytical study was conducted at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology ... Read More

Objective: The aim of the study was to find out women at risk of PPH received the complementary misoprostol apart from routine AMTSL and to find out the incidence of PPH in these cases. Methodology T ... Read More

Objective: To determine the association between pre-eclampsia and high d-dimer levels. Methodology: This case control study was done from January 2017 to December 2017, after approval from the local ... Read More

World health Organization in 1985 proposed that rate for cesarean sections (CS) should ideally range between 10% to 15%1. Since then, in both developed and developing countries cesar ... Read More

Objective: To determine the impact of antenatal care in feto maternal outcome at tertiary care Hospital. Methodology: This was a comparative cross-sectional study, which was conducted at gynecology a ... Read More

Objective: To find out the association of Subchorionic Hematoma with pregnancy outcome in patients with threatened abortion. Place and duration of study: This case control study was carried out at ob ... Read More

Objective: To compare the efficacy of vicryl rapide suture versus chromic catgut suture for episiotomy repair in term of pain score and wound healing at tertiary care Hospital. Methodology: This Rand ... Read More

Objective: To determine the use of box simulators to improve laparoscopic skills in the field of gynaecology. Study design Methodology:: It is a prospective, blinded, comparative and quantitative st ... Read More

Objective: To compare the analgesic efficacy of oral tramadol in post-operative lower segment caesarian section patients with intravenous analgesics. Methodology: The randomized controlled trial was ... Read More

Objective: To identify the gaps between knowledge and practices of adolescent females regarding menstrual hygiene. Methodology: It was a descriptive cross-sectional study in which 200 young girls age ... Read More

Objective: To determine the neonatal outcomes in women with non-reactive cardiotocography (CTG).Methodology: This prospective observational study was conducted at Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics ... Read More

Objective: To determine the frequency of vitamin D deficiency in women with the polycystic ovarian syndrome. Methodology: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in Department of obstetr ... Read More

Objectives: To find the incidence of gender based violence (GBV) in women attending gynecology Out Patient Department using structured abuse questionnaire and frequency of common gynecological problem ... Read More

Objective: To describe epidemiologic aspects, complications and the opinions of people about law against FGM comparing eras with and without Non-Governmental organizations against female circumcision ... Read More

Objective: To determine which method (clinical or ultrasonogrpahic) is more accurate in the estimation of fetal weights by comparing these methods with actual birth weights Methodology: It was a pros ... Read More

Objective: To assess the impact of simulation for labor and delivery on the knowledge and skills of undergraduate medical students. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Railway Gener ... Read More

Objective: To assess and determine discontinuation reason for the subdermal contraceptive implants before the completion of the duration of implant in the females. Methodology: This is a randomized c ... Read More

Objective: To compare the efficacy of phloroglucinol and drotaverine in accelerating the first stage of labour in labouring women. Methodology: The randomized control trial study was conducted at Gyn ... Read More

Objective: To determine the prevalence of NCDs among parturients, identify the common NCDs in the population and associated risk factors and compare the fetal outcome to the population without a NCD. ... Read More

The referral is a process by which a health worker or provider transfers the responsibility of patients-care temporality or permanently to another health professional due to its inability to ... Read More

SLE carries high risks during pregnancy and may affect both mother and fetus. The patients are advised for planning conception due to the adverse effects of long term corticosteroid treatment for SLE. ... Read More

Background: Rising cesarean section rate is a burning issue worldwide. In Pakistan, increase in cesarean section has occurred with the development of more delivery clinics and hospital in public as we ... Read More

Objective: to identify the prevalence of the long term pain morbidity in women after Pfannenstiel incision. Chronic pain is a well‐known adverse effect of surgery and apparently its risk increases wit ... Read More

Objective: To achieve evidence-based management strategy favoring intervention reducing fetomaternal complications. Methodology: This descriptive case series was conducted at Department of gynaecolog ... Read More

Objective: To evaluate the maternal and fetal outcome in women having a pregnancy with fibroids. Methodology: This prospective/descriptive study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gyna ... Read More

Objective: To determine the maternal and perinatal outcome in mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus in Combined Military Hospital Sialkot. Methodology: This prospective observational study was c ... Read More

Objective: To determine the prevalence and epidemiology of viral hepatitis in pregnant patients undergoing cesarean section. Methodology: It is a prospective cross-sectional study conducted in Obstet ... Read More

Objective: To establish the success rate and safety of vaginal birth with misoprostol for 16 to 30 weeks of pregnancy in women with previous two to three caesarean sections. Methodology: The prospect ... Read More

Objective: To evaluate the abnormal uterine bleeding by hysteroscopy and to correlate hysteroscopic with histopathologic findings. Study design: A prospective longitudinal and comparative study. P ... Read More

The main aim of medical colleges is to educate, train & certify doctors who will then go on to take care of the health of the people. WHO held the health care institutions to ... Read More

Uterine inversion following delivery though rare yet very serious and life threatening complication of labour much attributed to mismanagement of third stage of labour. Its incidence varies from1 in ... Read More

Objective: To determine the efficacy of intraumblical oxytocin with intravenous oxytocin to reduce the 3rd stage labor related complications. Methodology: This case control study was conducted on 100 ... Read More

Objective: To comparison of the outcome of short term versus long term catheterization after vaginal prolapse surgery. Methodology: This randomized controlled trial has been conducted from January 20 ... Read More

Objective: The objective of the study is to determine the validity of transabdominal ultrasound in the detection of polycystic ovaries using transvaginal ultrasound as a gold standard. Methodology: S ... Read More

Objective: To determine the efficacy of Hyoscine butyl bromide versus drotaverine hydrochloride by measuring the time duration of active phase of first stage of labor among primiparous women. Meth ... Read More

Background; in an overpopulated country like Pakistan, the incidence of use of contraceptives is significantly low. On the other hand, despite the fact that induced abortion is illegal, women, especia ... Read More

Objective: To determine the etiology and sexual pattern among women underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy on benign reasons in sexually active and healthy pre-meno ... Read More

Objectives :To determine prevalence, Risk factors associated with and pathogens involved in causing urinary tract infection during pregnancy in women of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Study design:Prosp ... Read More

OBJECTIVE:The objective of the study is “To determine the association of high serum LDH levels and fetal outcome in pre-eclamptic women.”STUDY DESIGN:Prospective, cohort study. PLACE AND DURATION OF ... Read More

Objective: To determine the adverse obstetrics and perinatal outcome in false positive glucose challenge test group and negative glucose challenge test group. Methodology: This cross sectional descri ... Read More

Objective: to identify the fetal outcome of pathological CTG in terms of APGAR score in pregnant women in our target population. Methodology: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study at departme ... Read More

Background: Ovarian cyst is one of the commonly encountered scenarios in Gynecology emergencies as well as outpatient department, contributing significantly to patients’ mortality and morbidity. Howev ... Read More

Objective: To understand the use and to see the effects of smokeless tobacco on placental microstructure. Study Design: From June 2017 to December 2017 at Isra University Hyderabad Methodology: Sixt ... Read More

Genetic disorders are broadly classified as single gene, polygenic, and cytogenetic disorders. Thalassaemia and Downs syndrome are the commonest single gene and cytogenetic disorders res ... Read More