Objective: to identify the fetal outcome of pathological CTG in terms of APGAR score in pregnant women in our target population. Methodology: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study at department of Obstetrics and Gynecology unit 2, Holy family Hospital Rawalpindi from 11th August 2016 to 10th February 2017. a total of 117 pregnant women with pathological CTG were included. These patients admitted to Gynecology department for delivery and fulfilling the inclusion criteria were enrolled for the study. In all the pregnant women intrapartum fetal monitoring was our main focus, which was implemented using cardiotocography. The clinical interpretation of cardiotocographic findings were based upon the FIGO guidelines (as given in operational definition). Majority of the patients 71 (60.68%) were between 20 to 30 years of age. Percentage of patients according to parity is shown in Figure X. Mean parity was 3.15 ± 1.30. Mean gestational age was 39.17 ± 1.24 weeks. Stratification of apgar score at 1 & 5 minute with respect to age groupsis Conclusion This study concluded that the frequency of low apgar score in pathological cartiotocography in women presenting at term pregnancy is quite high. CTG can be continued as good screening test of fetal surveillance. Abnormal CTG influence the fetal out comes i.e. poor Apgar score at 1 minute and 5 minutes, increased rate of caesarean section and neonatal resuscitation. Therefore there is a need to develop a uniform and unequivocal definition of fetal heart rate tracing to reduce the incidence of false positive findings that may result in increased incidence of unnecessary intervention.

Nabeela Waheed, Saira Ahmed, Khansa Iqbal. (2019) Fetal Outcome of Pathological Cardiotocography in Women Presenting at Term Pregnancy, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-09, Issue-1.
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