Objectives :To determine prevalence, Risk factors associated with and pathogens involved in causing urinary tract infection during pregnancy in women of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Study design:Prospective cross sectional study Place & duration:Quaid e Azam International Hospital and Al Sadiq Saad Shaheed Hospital for a period of three months from 1 st Feb 2018 -30 th April 2018 Methodology:A total number of 345 women at different gestational period and from all walks of life were included in the study. A pre designed and structured questionare and hospital record were used as tools for data collection. A detailed gynaecological history was taken and Physical examination was carried out on all patients. Complete blood count and a clean catch mid stream urine was taken. Results:UTI prevailed among 22.7% of pregnant women; condition is less common in primigravida than in subsequent pregnancies. Associated risk factors were studied ,Level of education and socioeconomic status were seen to contribute significantly; history of pelvic inflammatory disease and previous history of UTI were responsible for 43.00% and 63.30% of cases respectively. About 43.0% of patients suffered from moderate and 11.4% from severe anemia. Another 27.8% of women had been previously catheterized for some reason. Conclusion:Prevalence of UTI is high in our part of the world. Risk factors including parity, period of gestation, education, previous history of UTI and PID and catheterization contribute significantly towards causing Urinary tract infection among pregnant women.

Ghazala Sadiq, Hajra Khan. (2019) Urinary Tract Infection a Preventable Cause of Pregnancy Complications - An Update, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-09, Issue-1.
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