Objective: To evaluate the abnormal uterine bleeding by hysteroscopy and to correlate hysteroscopic with histopathologic findings. Study design: A prospective longitudinal and comparative study. Place and duration:Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Dhulikhel hospital, Kathmandu University Hospital, Kavre, Nepal, duration of study was 9 years from January 2010 to January 2019. Methodology: Three hundred cases with abnormal uterine bleeding above the age of 18 years were enrolled. Hysteroscopic guided endometrial sampling and endometrium was sent for histopathologic examination. The correlation between findings on hysteroscopy and histopathologic examination was evaluated. Results: Following were the findings on hysteroscopy: proliferative endometrium was in 60%, secretary endometrium was in 13.3%, endometrial hyperplasia in 8.7%, endometrial polyp in 6.7%, atrophic in 2.67%, fibroid in 4% and carcinoma of endometrium in 1.67%. Conclusions: In patients with abnormal uterine bleeding, hysteroscopy provides accurate diagnosis when correlated with histopathological findings.

Abha Shrestha, Bhagirathi Kayastha, Ramesh Makaju. (2019) Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding by diagnostic hysteroscopy: a tertiary care hospital base study, Journal of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists of Pakistan , Volume-09, Issue-2.
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