This article ascertains the theoretical parameters of “MFN Treatment”
and the hurdles regarding trade between Pakistan and India. MFN status
is one of the fundamental rules of GATT / WTO to promote multilateral
trade. It is remarkable to revitalize global economic integration. After
the end of the Second World War under the Bretton Woods System it
was held necessary to grant MFN status to all the member states of
GATT for the promotion of reciprocity in international trade. Similarly
WTO inherited this principle to avoid protectionist trends in the world
trading system. It flourished mutuality among states in terms of
economic interests. MFN clause under WTO also stipulated liberal
rhetorics like comparative advantage. It invigorated the sense of
commitment among states to flaunt global trade. This article also
envisages the pitfalls for Pakistan to grant MFN status to India. Various
apprehensions have been epitomized to comprehend the dilemma of
trade between both the states. It is also encompassed that political
mistrust and misperceptions restrained the leaders on both sides to
postulate unconditional support to liberalization of trade
Aisha Shahzad. (2014) The Dilemma of MFN between Pakistan and India, Journal of Arts and Social sciences, Volume 1, Issue 2.
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