Objective: This research investigates the level of death anxiety among general public in the time of COVID-19 outbreak which has incited a flow in death anxiety all over the world.Study type,settings& duration:A descriptive cross sectional study conducted at F,G and H sector of Islamabad, from March to June 2020.Methodology:Three hundred participants (Male = 157 & Female =143) (mean age 30.96±11.46 years) were included in the study after their verbal consent. The present research data were collected through purposive sampling technique. Researcher approached all participants at their homes, ensuring that all SOPs were followed under the prevailing COVID-19 conditions. The participants analyzed were asked to fill a Demographic Form and Death Anxiety scale (Urdu version). Data were Analysis on SPSS (V 23.0).Results:It is revealed that death anxiety is highly prevalent among the general public low death anxiety = 12.3%,mild death anxiety = 4.0%, moderate death anxiety = 21.7% and high death anxiety= 62.0%. Further result indicated significant gender difference (p=.039) and significant family structure difference in death anxiety (p < .041). However, no significant socioeconomic status difference in death anxiety (p=.091) was found.Conclusion: The findings showed that there is significantly high level of death anxiety among general public in the time of COVID-19. The spread of COVID-19 increased death anxiety among general public. Thus, the future studies are necessary to contemplate in the case of treating death anxiety.

Syeda Razia Bukhari, Sitara Asim. (2021) Death Anxiety in General Public during the time of COVID-19 Pandemic, Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, Volume-60, Issue-2.
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