The purpose of the study was to assess the current level of teachers ICT competence and teachers attitude towards the use of ICT in university of the Punjab being country’s leading university. Two separate questionnaires, one for teachers ICT competence and other for teacher’s attitude were used to collect data. Data were collected from two randomly selected faculties of the university which were Behavioral &social sciences and faculty of education. It revealed that teachers has sufficient ICT competence and have a positive attitude towards use of computers but both variables are not correlated. The study concluded that basic and advanced level ICT training is necessary for the teachers in the university to improve their ICT competence & promote their attitude towards use of it. It is suggested that further in depth research studies should be conducted to explore the correlation of ICT competence & teachers attitudes and to find out the factors that lies behind the correlation of both variables.

Fakhra Aziz. (2015) Teacher’s Information, Communication Technology Competence and Their Attitude toward Use of Computers in University Of The Punjab, Journal of Arts and Social sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2.
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