Background: Hirsutism is one of the medical condition related to the physical appearance of the women and is extra hair growth on their body areas which are usually without hair, like chest, abdomen, face etc. Even with different coping strategies, hirsute women experience psychosocial issues which may be responsible for poor mental health. Objective: To investigate relationship between psychosocial issues and psychological symptoms and also the role of coping strategies in managing psychosocial issues. Methodology: Quantitative correlational research design was used to test the objective. A sample of 100 hirsute women was recruited through purposive and snow ball sampling technique. Psychosocial Issued of Hirsute Women Scale (PIHWS), Coping Strategies Scale for Hirsute Women (CSSHW) and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) were used. Results: Pearson correlation analysis showed that psychosocial factors have a positive correlation with poor psychological symptoms (p <0.01). Linear regression analysis showed that both the factors of Coping Strategies were significant predictor of psycho social issues in hirsute women. Emotional Focus Coping was negative significant predictor of psychosocial issues (p <0.01). Problem Focus Coping was a significant positive predictor of Psychosocial Issues of hirsute women (p <0.01). Conclusion: Our study showed that Coping Strategies’ are predictor of psychosocial issues and psychosocial issues are also predictor of poor mental health.

Sundas Hassan Chishti, Muhammad Rafiq. (2019) Psychosocial Issues, Coping Strategies and Psychological Symptoms of Hirsute Women, Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, Volume-58, Issue-3.
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