There are many jurisprudential rules which indicate that when the prohibited things mix with the permissible things, the permissible things will become prohibited. But despite this, there are some other jurisprudential maters that do not forbid the permissible things after occurring mixture between them. Hence it is necessary to search for types of mixture between them, so that we know which type of mixture between them leads to the prohibition and which one does not lead to it. As for this paper, it describes a lot of types of mixture between them which makes prohibited and which does not make prohibited. As well as, this paper makes the contemporary jurists able to search for the solution of the contemporary jurisprudence if mixture has occurred between them. So they will be able to search jurisprudence rulings of these matters after studying these types of mixture between them.

Israr Khan, Khalil Ur Rehman, Sahibzada Baz Muhammad. (2021) Working With The Precautionary Principle In Mixing ProhibitوEd Things With Permissible Things And Their Effect On Contemporary Jurisprudence: A Theoretical Jurisprudence Study, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-05, Issue-1.
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