Shariah and Tasawwuf are not two apart things. Both of Shariah and Tasawwuf are the same and one thing. Sharia is the name of life style, which brought by Prophet Peace be upon him and Tasawwuf is the name of act upon on that life style. Objective of Tasawwuf is that "The laws of Shariah become nature". Certainly it is not possible to act upon on it without any Hierarchy. To get profit from this hierarchy, there are some types: For example, to become a follower completely of any Hierarchy or to study of the life of Hierarchy, it is also very useful for emendation. This article is a sequence of this chain. This article describes the fact of tasawwuf and in the light of tasawwuf, analytics of Ashraf Ali thanawi. His temperament in tasawwuf and his struggle for tasawwuf also described by this artcle.it also explain that How he made tasawwuf near to Quran and Hadith? And how was his methodology of emendation?

Shafqat ullah Khan, Aijaz Ali Khoso, Syed Naeem Badshah. (2020) Mysticism And Ashraf Ali Thanawi, An Analytical Approach, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-1.
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