The importance and supremacy of the family law of Islam in the context of the subcontinent has been clearly reviewed in the research and it has been analyzed that Islam is a comprehensive religion in terms of following its laws that covers every aspect of life ,and there is evidence in history that those Muslim rulers who enacted Islamic laws at the governmental level during their tenure and the Muslim subjects followed these sacred injunctions till the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and remedied these causes, due to which the family laws of the Muslims were changed and replaced with the non-Sharia provisions of the Western laws which affected the collective, political and social life of the Islamic world and especially the family laws in the subcontinent. The English formulated personal law, laws for Muslims and interpreted it as Muhammadan law. This "Muhammadan law" was a variant of Islamic law. Which had a profound effect on the family law and family affairs of the Muslims of subcontinent. Due to which the Muslims of the subcontinent demanded an independent Islamic state where they could amend these laws and follow the true teachings of Islam, but this research shows that the family laws of Pakistan are still in force. There are flaws and shortcomings, and in this regard the views and research of the vast majority of scholars who have proved that in an Islamic state, followers of every religion will have the freedom to practice their religion, including worship, marriage and divorce, death. Includes resurrection and other personal and family matters.

Salahuddin. (2020) An Analytical Study Of Islamic Family Law In The Context Of Pakistan, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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