Muslim conquests began in the 7th century after the revelation of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He formed such an alliance among the Arabs that Islamic power continued to spread for centuries after him until the Rightly Guided Caliphs, the Umayyads and the Abbasid Caliphate. Even their borders extended from the Arabian Desert to India, China, Central Asia, the Middle East, and all of North Africa and a large part of Europe. The most important and fundamental part of these conquests was by the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) and their followers. The step taken by the Companions and their followers for the exaltation of the word of Allah and the subjugation of a large part of the world to them was in fact in accordance with the Qur'anic influences and the prophecy of revelation. Because Allah Almighty had promised him victories, some of these victories were achieved during his life time and some of them about which he had given glad tidings, were achieved after his departure from the worldly life, by his companions and their followers. The picture of this good news is seen in the era of the Companions and their followers when the Islamic army won victories in the East and the West at the behest of the Companions and their followers. The Companions and their followers had a profound military impact on the human world, due to which the Islamic civilization influenced the human civilization and informed the world about the new situation and new requirements of the time to come. During the time of the Companions and their followers, three continents of the world, Asia, Africa and Europe, were directly affected by the military influence. Some of the countries of these continents were conquered directly by the hands of these gentlemen and some of them were conquered by the victors who came after some time. So much so of course, that these gentlemen paved the way for these victories. Later, other remote areas were conquered following the same footsteps ، as if the remote areas of Europe were not conquered by the Companions and their followers, but they paved the way to reach there.

Dr Altaf Hassan, Aziz ur Rehman Saifee. (2020) An Overview Of The Military Services Of The Companions And Their Followers In The Early Islamic Conquests, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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