Terrorism is one of the grimmest issues of the whole world. It is weakening the very root of the societies suffering it. Pakistan is not exempted from it. Since the creation of Pakistan, the opponent powers planned to weaken it. They involved the external and internal groups to create restlessness and chaos in every field of life. In the world, there might be a single day when people do not face terrorist activities. It was ever considered that developing countries are more vulnerable to terrorism because of the lack of adequate resources to fight against it. But now a days the advanced countries like the UK, the USA, and China, etc. are also facing them very often. The common reasons behind such activities are corruption, poor governance, and lack of judicial justice, etc. History shows that most teenagers are involved in these activities. The questions arise that when and why these activities started? Why teenagers are easily caught by militant groups. This paper will highlight the meaning of terrorism, its history, causes, and what are the real teachings of the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH) about terrorism? In the end, suggestions will be given to establish an inclusive and peaceful society in Pakistan.

Muhammad Yaseen, Ghulam Haider, Muhammad Shahid. (2020) Terrorism, Social Dysphoria And Misconceptions About Islam In Pakistan’s Perspective: Research Study, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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