Dialogue is the only way which can be a good tool for making less and cease the conflict and tension among the groups. It is the channel for clearing the misconceptions, slanders and acquisitions from both sides. Islam provides a framework for peaceful coexistence and form the plate form for socio-political and cultural interaction in multi religious and pluralistic societies. It comprises tolerance, freedom of faith and conscience, the concept of universal brother hood of mankind. It rejects the racial superiority by declaring the common origins of all human kind. This paper will discuss the views and contributions of Muslim scholars of modern age, like Fethullah Gülen’s (Turkish Muslim scholar) and Mohammad Khatami’s (Ex. President of Islamic Republic of Iran) over the presumption of the clash of civilizations1 and their solutions, the open invitation for dialogue in the promotion and shape of interfaith dialogue in the modern age for the religious, cultural and civilizational harmony and coexistence.

Abdul Rehman Kaloi, Aijaz Ali Khoso, Zahid Hussain Chana. (2019) Dialogue Of Civilizations: Views Of Fethullah Gülen And Mr. Mohammad Khatami, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-03, Issue-1.
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