The Muslims of India were wanting as a community since the war of independence of 1857 and the world around them had moved at a very fast pace where by the nineteenth century, the notions of self-rule, constitutional reforms ,freedom, nation and nation state set the paradigms of not only political discourse but of political strategy in an undivided India. Despite having defined themselves as a nation, they needed to create a context where this notion could actually be applied. The focus of this paper is the strength of Mr. Jinnah’s leadership. The question which often agitates the minds of students and scholars of history when they seek to examine the quality of leadership through different phases of country’s history that what made Mr. Jinnah’s leadership par excellence? The paper looks into the interrelated issue of the situation of Muslims when British came to rule India. Interestingly, no leader among the Muslims in an undivided India has come to match the stature of Mr. Jinnah’s leadership. It is divided into four parts. The first part discusses the background in which Muslims were wanting as a community. The second part deals with the theoretical approach regarding the question of leadership and finally it takes into account the contextual relationship between Quaid-i-Azam and the Muslims of India.

Farzana Shakoor . (2014) QUAID –i-AZAM: LEADER OF MUSLIMS OF INDIA, Journal of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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