South Asia, the least urbanized region of the world, is home to some of the largest, fastest growing, but also poorest cities. South Asia is also home to the largest number of people living in poverty ... Read More

Newspaper cartoons say what verbal discourse structures find difficult to do. Having symbolic significance and carrying social and ideological meanings, these caricatures influence public opinion as s ... Read More

Thomas Hardy, a great Victorian novelist, made his fiction an instrument to launch a revolution against social injustice. He raised his voice against inequality with reference to class and gender. Tho ... Read More

Media is a powerful tool that helps to perpetuate ideologies, process of discrimination and power relation between social groups. Therefore, there lies an inevitable relationship between media, gender ... Read More

Writing professional genre is considered as a challenging task and writing professional job application letters by novice job applicants is a problem as they are unaware of the features of this genre ... Read More

The quality of teacher education is directly related to the standards of education in a country. Highly qualified and skilled teachers can implement the curriculum effectively and achieve the desired ... Read More

The success of educational institutes is dependent on the satisfaction level of the teaching staff. Currently, the satisfaction level of teachers in higher education sector such as universities is a c ... Read More

Language is one of the chief glories of the nation’s now and in centuries before. A language helps people communicate and unite and if it is a lingua franca, the functions and the obligations of any l ... Read More

This research paper focused on developing oral communication skills of English language learners of a private university in the capital city of Pakistan, who after studying English as a subject for fo ... Read More

Language is considered as a powerful tool to construct certain stereotypes in a culture. Stereotyping is prevalent in all the cultures across the world. It is a set of cultural expectations to assign ... Read More

Many higher education teachers in Pakistan face a dilemma; that students struggle to participate in classroom discussions, compose assignments and comprehend exanimation questions, merely due to the f ... Read More

The viewers of Pakistani dramas face various challenges in terms of how and to what extent they are subjected to the whims of the writers/scriptwriters. By overlooking the socio-culturally acceptable ... Read More

Effective communication depends upon acceptable pronunciation both in first and foreign language. In the case of English as a foreign language, learners often face problems in pronunciation. These pro ... Read More


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