Microstrip feed Yagi-Uda antenna is designed for using onboard High-Altitude Platform (HAP). The (31/28 GHz) antenna is designed on both sides of the 0.127mm thick Rogers RT N 6006 with permittivity ϵr =6.15 and loss tangent δ = 0.0027. Thin substrate is used in order to avoid the losses due to skin effect. Antenna element is backed by a reflective ground structure. Six parasitic elements are added for gain enhancement and to make the beam directive. The antenna driven element and the directors are halved to place on both sides of the substrate. The paper presents the unit cell, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 and 24x24 non-integrated feed array results. Although same antenna design can be used for both 31/28 GHz, results have been presented for 28 GHz only. It can be seen from simulation results that array of 24x24 elements is able to achieve the overall gain of 25.6 dB with 3.9 deg beamwidth.

Awais Ali , Mohammad Ali Jamshed , Omar Ansari, Moazam Maqsood, Umar Iqbal Bhatti. (2021) Design and Development of High Frequency Antenna Array for High Altitude Platform, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 11, Issue 1.
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