Post-industrial revolution led to the emergence of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems as result of increasing market and manufacturing demands. Shorter product life-cycle, competitive pricing, diverse needs and highly customized designs with more flexibility, efficiency and reactivity redefined the manufacturing paradigms. Products as well as parts exhibiting close similarity in features, generally followed similar manufacturing patterns and thus were suggested to be grouped together in part families and configurations. Optimizing the setup changes to the minimum possible number is the ultimate target in several part productions. This research focuses on formulation of approach to develop an optimized arrangement of product to form family. The methodology depends on coefficients of similarity using intelligent sequencing of setup, group-based machining features and identification of datum. It considers the product setup sequence based BMIMS coefficient of similarity derived by incorporating concepts of LCS and SCS. The prime objective is to enhance the production performance of Cellular/Reconfigurable Manufacturing.

Ijlal Ahmed, Asif Israr, Aamer Ahmed Baqai. (2018) Framework for Part Family Formation Based on Setup Similarity Coefficient, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 8, Issue 1.
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