Solid Rocket Motors (SRMs) serve as the propulsion devices for satellite-launchers. High stiffness values, high strength to weight ratios and greater mechanical/structural properties of composite materials make composite SRMs more efficient than metallic SRMs. The disadvantage of composite SRMs lies in the joining of segments. Segmented SRMs are essential when requirement is of large size and high payload. In segmentation the reliability of the whole structure depends upon the efficiency of the segment joint. Therefore the joint must be proficient enough to withstand the structural and dynamic loads. The progressive damage analysis is used to evaluate the mechanical performance of composite structure, the damage mechanism and its progression. Internal combustion of exhaust gases creates hoop stresses inside the SRMs case. These hoop stresses induce the bending moments in the joint section of segmented SRMs. In this study the various segment joint parameters are analyzed i.e. number of pins, pin material and pin diameter. The effect of each parameter on joint strength of SRM is evaluated to conclude the optimum joint parameters. After the selection of optimum joint parameters, the progressive damage analysis is carried out to analyze the behavior of composite segment joint against the proposed operating conditions. The proposed joint design is analyzed at different operating pressures to find out the critical failure mechanism of composite SRM.

Samia Fida, Asif Israr. (2017) Design and Analysis of Case to Case Segment Joint for Aerospace Applications, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 7, Issue 1.
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