The advent of MEMS has shifted the trend from bulkier satellites to pico or nano satellites, owing to their low manufacturing and launch cost. This project involves the numerical modeling (CFD), simulation and performance prediction of proposed micro-resistojet thruster configuration. After the validation of our numerical CFD methods and results with available numerical and experimental data, a parametric study has been conducted. The effects of change of mass flow rate of the working fluid (N2 gas in this case) and the heater temperature on Thrust; Specific Impulse (Isp) and viscous subsonic layer thickness has also been investigated. It has been developed that optimum results are found for mass flow rate of 1.2 mg/s and at heater temperature of 500oC.

Syed Sheraz Ali, Dr. Nauman Qureshi, Captain Dr. Shafiq ur Rehman. (2017) Performance Prediction of Mems Based Resistojet Thruster Through CFD, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 7, Issue 1.
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