The maneuvering of an aircraft requires design and implementation of advance control techniques for both longitudinal and lateral motion. The main objective of this paper is to design an optimal controller for aircraft dynamics in terms of quadratic performance index. The problem formulation is carried out using different control techniques like linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The controller design process begins with obtaining appropriate mathematical model for aircraft dynamics. The model is obtained using first principle approach and linearized using small perturbation theory. Open loop analysis is carried out for model using MATLAB and results are obtained in step responses. The model response is compared with LQR and LMI based results.The simulation results reveal the effectiveness of these control techniques applied and ensure stability of aircraft dynamics. Longitudinal model of aircraft is used for analysis and aircraft used as reference is Cessna 310.

Abdur Rasheed. (2017) LQR and LMI Based Optimal Control Design for Aircraft, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 7, Issue 1.
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