Physical infrastructure such as buildings and bridges may seem stable but in fact they experience a variety of perturbances. Such disturbances cause deformations in these structures. Analysis of these deformations is necessary because they may sometimes have fatal consequences. Deformations in such structures may vary from centimeter level to meter level. Techniques adopted to monitor structural deformations must therefore be capable of sensing as small as centimeter level variations.1 Usage of Network RTK positioning method to sense slight deviations in the structure can produce exemplary results. Such a network – known as Pak Rehber Precise Positioning Network – has already been developed in Karachi. The research covered in this paper highlights the utilization of Pak Rehber Precise Positioning Network to continuously monitor the structural deformation faced by bridges. The established system monitors the deviation form the original position each second and plots these deviations against time. If a threshold value od deviation is crossed in any of the three directions (east, north, vertical), an alarm can be generated and counter measures can be taken.

Syed Fawad Zulfiqar, Safder Khan, Iftikhar Khan, Syed Zahid Jamal. (2017) Monitoring Structural Deformations Using Network RTK, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 7, Issue 1.
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