- In this study the effect of crack in the aircraft panel structure modeled as an isotropic plates subjected to harmonic excitation is considered for obtaining the vibration response. The model is designed for analyzing the vibration response of aerospace and mechanical structures such as airplane wings, fuselage, tail, etc. The crack is in the form of continuous line located at the center and along the x-direction of the plate element. The system of nonlinear equation is solved by means of higher order perturbation method of multiple scales. The method of multiple scales is very popular method for solving nonlinear vibration problems competently. The result obtained from this study is then compared with the solution of the low order perturbation method of multiple scales.

Asif Israr, Sana Zulfiqar. (2012) Nonlinear Vibration of Partially Cracked Plates Using Higher Order Perturbation Method, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 2, Issue 1.
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