This paper presents the design and analysis of a multistage low-noise amplifier (LNA) using Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor (PHEMT). The LNA is designed at the center frequency of 12.7GHz with a gain of 30dB, bandwidth of 72MHz and noise figure of less than 3 dB. This paper is an extension of the author’s previous work related to design of single stage LNA [1].The matching design is carried using Narrowband amplifier design technique. The design methodology required the analysis of the transistor; stability check and proper matching network selection for input and output. Ideal microwave amplifier equations are used to carry out the analytical treatment for the design. The required gain and other parameters are achieved by a three stage Low Noise Amplifier. The most important task in the design is to establish a tradeoff between the noise figure and gain of the amplifier. Advanced Design Software (ADS) is used to carry out simulations for the design and to see how the design is comparable to the specifications. The design is optimized using stub matching resulting in reduced noise figure and minimizing the standing wave ratio. The DC and AC simulations for the LNA are presented in the paper [1].

Mujeeb Ahmed, Nosherwan Shoaib, Iftekhar Mahmood. (2011) Design, Analysis and Optimization of Multistage LNA at KUBand , Journal of Space Technology , Volume 1, Issue 1.
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