A 55 years old lady presented to Gynecology outpatient of MMM Teaching Hospital, D.I.Khan in January 2018 with history of abdominal mass. Her abdominal hysterectomy was done one year back. On examination a huge cystic mass reaching up to the xiphisternum and occupying the whole abdomen was palpable. Her ultrasound revealed a mass arising from pelvis, most likely ovarian in nature. Her CA-125 level was 29.62 IU/ml (in normal range). Exploratory laparotomy revealed a huge cystic mass which was excised. Histopathology reported mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. Chemotherapy was then done. There was no recurrence by the end of nine months follow-up as evaluated by ultrasonography. Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma is an invasive adenocarcinoma composed of malignant glandular cells containing intracytoplasmic mucin. It is relatively common in middle-aged women. Genetic mutation such as KRAS gene have been reported. It is a rapidly growing epithelial tumor usually presenting as a single solid mass. Treatment involves surgery and chemotherapy. The prognosis depends upon the stage of tumor.

Sadia Anwar, Nasim Saba. (2018) MUCINOUS CYSTADENOCARCINOMA, Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences , Volume 16, Issue 2.
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