The present study aimed to determine a relationship between personality traits and
procrastination among the undergraduates and to compare mean scores of both the genders and
academic years on Academic Procrastination Scale and Big Five Inventory. Through random
sampling a sample of 250 undergraduate students (M = 21, SD = 1.47) was selected from a
private university in Lahore, Pakistan. For measuring personality traits Big Five Inventory (BFI)
was used and Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) was used to measure procrastination.
Pearson Product Moment correlation depicted that out of the Big Five personality traits only
neuroticism shares a positive correlation with procrastination. Furthermore, through descriptive
statistics mean scores of both the genders and academic years on personality and procrastination
scale were found to be insignificant; senior year female students scoring slightly low on
procrastination as compared to males and other academic year students. This study would help
researchers to explore this area on a large population taken from multiple institutions belonging
to different gender and backgrounds.
Keywords: Procrastination, Big Five personality traits, academic year, gender
aroojkhan98@yahoo.comIvan Suneel. (2021) Big Five Personality Traits, Gender, Academic level and Academic Procrastination among Pakistani Undergraduate Students, Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology Research and Practice, Vol. 12, No. 1, Vol.12, No. 1.
586 -
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