Background: Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is the commonest enzymopathy in human beings. Acute
hemolytic crisis is the most common presentation of G6PD deficiency but in neonatal period it usually presents
as jaundice. The objective of this study is to determine the frequency of G6PD deficiency in jaundiced neonates.
Material & Methods: This study was conducted at Children Hospital, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences,
Islamabad from 27th March 2009 to 27th September 2009. One hundred and sixty-three jaundiced neonates were
included. Screening for G6PD deficiency was done by dye decolorization test, which is semi quantitative, visual
colorimetric assay.
Results: The study included 163 neonates with jaundice. 72.4% were males and 27.6% were females. 16% were
pre-term and 84% were full term babies. The mean age was 4.77±2.80 days. 11(6.7%) were G6PD deficient. 46%
were anemic. Maturity at birth, time of presentation, presence of anemia and hyperbilirubinemia and reticulocytosis
were not significantly different between G6PD deficient and G6PD normal neonates.
Conclusion: Frequency of G6PD defffiency is higher in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. G6PD assay should be
included in all jaundiced neonates for earlier detection and timely prevention of complication like kernictrus.
KEY WORDS: Neonates; Jaundice; G6PD deficiency.
Syed Sajid Munir, Nafisa Batool Tahir, Tahir Uddin Qazi. (2014) FREQUECY OF G6PD DEFICIENCY IN NEONATAL HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA, Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences , Volume 12, Issue 2.
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