Hazrat Esa(AS) never called his followers Christians becase he was decendent to Bani Israel for their moral and spiritual reformation and the purpose of his advent was not the establishment ofany new religion .He was just addressed to refreash and unveailthe real teaching of Hazrat Musa (AS) and by later announced prophets, which were forgotten and altered by baniisreal gradually by the passing of time. Again the history repeated itself and the teachings given by HazratEsa (AS) to his followers had diminished very soon after his ascend to heaven before his alleged crucification, a new religion was emerged with the name of chritinity was established after many exercises of different authorities of church and different councils, whose rituals and practices and was quite against the teachings and saying of HazratEsa (AS).now the founder of present Christian religion is actually “St Paul” not HazratEsa (AS) in this research the bigining of christinity its separation from lawsof Hazrat Musa (AS) and the present doctrine of christanity been discussed.

Dr.Musferah Mehfooz. (2017) مسیحیت کی ابتداء – شریعتِ موسوی سے علیحدگی, Epistemology: Journal of Islamic Studies, Volume 4, Issue 4.
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