n intercultural communication and language teaching have been subjects of interest for researchers and language teachers over the past few years. Intercultural communication has already been established as part of the language teaching process worldw de. On the othe r hand, in the Pakistani context, teachers mostly have not adapted it because they lack adequate instructional design models to integrate intercultural communication and language teaching. The inadequacy of the instructional model suggests exploring the outcomes and benefits of the intercultural approach in Sindh. This study was conducted to investigate the perception of language teachers about intercultural communication in language teaching. Participants were selected through purposive sa mpling. The participants were asked ten open -ended questions in the interview. Their answers were recorded and interpreted. Content analysis tool was used to interpret and analyze the data. The findings of this study suggest the use of intercultural commun ication in language teaching has significant impact. The findings also prove that intercultural communication is beneficial if the syllabuses are designed carefully by looking at the similarities and differences between source language culture and target l anguage culture. The participants were very positive about the inclusion of intercultural communication in the English language teaching at the college level in Sindh.

Tanveer Hussain Mangnejo, Zulfiqar Ali Shah. (2021) he Perspective of English Language Teachers on Intercultural Communication and Language Teaching, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 23, Issue 1.
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