Since its publication, Sethe’s conflicted personality and her act of killing her own daughter in ToniMorrison’s widely acclaimed novel Beloved has remained a very serious matter of concern leaving rea ... Read More

This study explores the reincarnation of Great Expectation (1861) through graphicnovel. Aim of this study is to analyze that how a work of traditional literature influenced by Postmodern pa ... Read More

his study presents a semantic analysis of metaphors employed in last ten poems printed in William Blake’s Songs of Experience (1794) in the perspective of Leech’s theory of metaphor. Le ... Read More

This research article purports to examine Sylvia Plath’s selected poetry and her only fiction prose The Bell Jar. The aesthetic bulk of literature provided by Plath enunciates to elevat ... Read More

This article presents a citizenship analysis of Roy’s novel The God of Small Things. Citizenship is defined in terms of identity, rights and duties of a citizen in any society, as defined by Cogan ... Read More

Employing cross-generational perspective to speech acts, this study attemptsto investigate how Pashto-speaking Pakistani university students and teachers respond to complimen ... Read More

cademic argumentation needs complex interaction between cognitive and linguistic competence to achieve social purpose. This research aims to investigate deficiencies in argumentativ ... Read More

While literature has demonstrated the centrality of metacognition in reading, attention has not been paid to qualitatively explore the impact of metacognitive reading strategy in ... Read More