cademic argumentation needs complex interaction between cognitive and linguistic competence to achieve social purpose. This research aims to investigate deficiencies in argumentative writing of English Language Learner and to suggest a pedagogy to overcome their learning gaps. This case study compares two analytical expository essays: one of English Native Learner and other of ELL, drawn from the corpus ICNALE. ELL earned B1 and ENL got C1 descriptors by CEFR system. The researcher used Hyland’s model of argumentative genre for minute functional linguistic analysis of register variables within stages by using three meta-functions based on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) framework. The results demonstrate that the ENL employed better functional linguistic resources for argumentative genre as compared to the ELL due to familiarity with generic structure. Resultantly, this work recommends genre pedagogy to improve ELLs’ argumentation at functional and linguistic level in L2 context as recommended by various SFL researchers (Dreyfus & Macnaught, 2013)for ELLs.

Ayesha Asghar Gill, Fauzia Janjua. (2020) omparison of Pakistani and Native English Learners’ Argumentative Essays: A Functional Genre Approach, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 22, Issue 1.
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