While literature has demonstrated the centrality of metacognition in reading, attention has not been paid to qualitatively explore the impact of metacognitive reading strategy instruction on ESL students’ regulation of reading strategies in a university level classroom. The action research reported here offers detailed contextualized description of the impact of the instructions on the change in metacognitive regulation of reading strategies of two group of ESL students through analyzing multiple data types: think-aloud protocols, semi-structured interviews, learner diaries and researcher journal. The study comprised of two action research cycles spanned over four months each. The participants of both cycles comprised of first year Bachelor of Arts (BA) students studying at a public sector university in Karachi. Findings revealed that the metacognitive reading strategies instructions engaged students in three overarching types of activities during the study to regulate their reading including planning, monitoring and evaluating activities. Implications of the study and future research directions are discussed

Bushra Ahmed Khurram. (2020) The Impact of Metacognitive Instruction on Pakistani University Level ESL Students’ Regulation of the Reading Strategies, The ELF Annual Research Journal, Volume 22, Issue 1.
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