(Disclaimer: This is not an original research article from IJP, this very informative piece of information is almost entirely taken from Wikipedia; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Golden_Age for which we thank Wikipedia and its contributors. We do not 100% agree what’s written here but we considered it quite useful and informative. We have serious objection on distortion of names of Muslim Scientists and their books as well as on not acknowledging some of the facts; for example it was not Christian translators who automatically translated their work into Arabic but it was Ma’moon Rashid’s “House of Wisdom” which collected all the scientific work then present and carried out painstaking translation of all the work, analyzing it and rejecting what was wrong or unscientific and retained what was considered to be correct on scientific merit. Turning Ibn-e-Sina into Avicenna and translating his book as Canon of Medicine rather than “Law (Qa’noon) of Medicine” reflect ignorance and \or prejudice… Editors)

Anwar Ul Haque. (2019) History of Science: Hospitals in the Golden Era of Muslim History, International Journal of Pathology, Volume.17, Issue-2.
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