Religious Pluralism is a New emerging concept of religion which has several meanings.It is similar to the Quranic concept of wahdatul adyan but on the other hand,the new interpretation of religious pluralism is that most of the scholars are agreed that all religions are seeking the reality for the salvation of almighty Allah. Some how realities are existing in every religion.The quranic version of religious pluralism means monotheistic religions are equally preaching the human being for the salvation of God.Indeed, it is an inspiring source to strengthen the religious harmon in the socities.The quranic concept of religious pluralism means to tolerate the interpretational differences of the mono theistic religions.There are several qurnaic verses which are articulating many principles regarding inter-religious harmony, peaceful co-existence and religious pluraistic success.The present paper aims to discuss the concept of pluralism is not matching with the Islamic conept of salvation.Islam completely supports the religious co-existence of every relogion but it dones not mean that every owns completely reality.

Dr.Sajaad Ali Raees. (2018) توحیدی ادیان کے درمیان ہم آہنگی میں دینی تکثیریت کا کردار, Al Tafseer, Volume 31-32, Issue 1.
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